The Hebridean Naturalist is the journal of Curracag, the Outer Hebrides Natural History Society. Although originially intended to be an annual publication, after the first issue in 1978, only 14 volumes where published over the next 29. After a gap of a decade, the publication of the Hebridean Naturalist was resumed and number 16 was published February 2017.
The Hebridean Naturalist enables information on the wildlife and natural environment of the Outer Hebrides to be published locally. The scientific papers, articles and nature notes by visiting and local naturalists and scientists describe the fascinating and varied natural history of the islands. It is also clear that the outlying islands, from Sula Sgeir to Mingulay and St Kilda, are as enthralling to the local naturalists as they are to visitors. Whether your interest is in sea slugs, sparrows, sheep ticks or sticklebacks, they will probably be found within one of the volumes of the Hebridean Naturalist. Curious? You can find a full list of contents on the Outer Hebrides Natural History Bibliography website.
The journal is part of the Curracag membership subscription and is also be available for purchase. There are also a limited number of back issues available. Further information is available on the Curracag website.